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gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:devices:ports [2024/12/13 01:19]
aldavis [Ports]
gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:devices:ports [2024/12/13 04:47] (current)
aldavis [Ports]
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 == void set_port_by_index(int index, std::string& value) == == void set_port_by_index(int index, std::string& value) ==
-Make a connection between a port and the rest of the circuit, by position as in Spice.  Usually (for node_t based ports, the usual voltage or logic ports) this is not needed because the inherited method will do the right thing.  For ports that are not based on node_t, such as current ports in Spice, this function is needed.+Make a connection between a port and the rest of the circuit, by position as in Spice.  Usually (for node_t based ports, the usual voltage or logic ports) this is not needed because the inherited method will do the right thing.  For ports that are not based on node_t, such as current ports in Spice, this function may be needed.
 == std::string port_name(int i)const == == std::string port_name(int i)const ==
 Return the name of a port given its index.  This is required, because all devices have unique port names. Return the name of a port given its index.  This is required, because all devices have unique port names.
-=== Current ports === 
-Most devices do not have current ports, so these methods are usually not needed. 
-== const std::string current_port_value(int)const == 
-Return the name of the element that a current port is connected to.  This is required if the device has current ports. 
-== std::string current_port_name(int)const == 
-Return the name of a current port given its index.  This is required if the device has current ports. 
gnucap/manual/tech/plugins/devices/ports.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/13 04:47 by aldavis
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