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gnucap:manual:tech:plugins [2020/02/13 05:25]
felixs [Plugin types]
gnucap:manual:tech:plugins [2024/11/26 08:10] (current)
felixs list solver
Line 14: Line 14:
   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:behavioral functions]]   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:behavioral functions]]
   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:parameter functions and measurements]]   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:parameter functions and measurements]]
 +  * [[gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:solver|matrix solver]]
   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:output]]   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:output]]
gnucap/manual/tech/plugins.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/26 08:10 by felixs
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